Ensemble update - Jan 2023

In a nutshell:

  • Preview your apps on your device
  • Enable autocomplete on dropdowns
  • App spotlight: Mastercard Open Banking demo app
  • New demo app: Doctor appointment booking app

Try any Ensemble app on your device 🕶️

Ensemble preview is live on AppStore and Google Play Store. Get it to preview any Ensemble app you build on your device.

Enable auto-complete on your dropdowns with one line: `autoComplete: true`. Check it out on the Kitchen Sink app.

Mastercard Open Banking demo app 🚀

To showcase their Open Banking APIs, Mastercard embedded an app built with Ensemble on Mastercard Developers. Check it out here.

Demo app: Doctor appointment booking app 🧑‍⚕️

We published a new demo app built with Firebase REST APIs. Check it out here.